Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Published Books

If your Sim finishes writing a novel, they'll receive a free copy of the book in the mail, along with the royalty checks. If you're lucky, you might see your book at the library or the bookstore. I think that it's really cool, because then you could write a series of sci-fi novels or a fiction trilogy. Then, when your person dies, their books remind others of their past deeds.


  1. Hello there!

    I went through your blog and found it really interesting. You have provided some quite useful tips to make the gameplay more enjoyable. If you don't mind, I'm adding you to the blogroll over at Yumiki's Sims Stories.

    Looking forward to your blog posts.

    Nick Neutron

  2. Thanks! That really makes my day! I'll head over to your blog right now!
