Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Published Books
If your Sim finishes writing a novel, they'll receive a free copy of the book in the mail, along with the royalty checks. If you're lucky, you might see your book at the library or the bookstore. I think that it's really cool, because then you could write a series of sci-fi novels or a fiction trilogy. Then, when your person dies, their books remind others of their past deeds.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Fat Guy
My friend Aaron came over today, and he created a new Sim called Really Fat. As you can guess, he's very fat. He also has green hair, and yellow bushy eyebrows. Talk about odd. Well, while Aaron was building Fat's house, I made him buy a pool, and two workout systems. Let's take a look, shall we?
A Decorated Home
If you happen have some extra Simoleons, or your Sims wants to buy something, go shopping for plants and paintings. They'll both improve the environment in the given room, which could result in various moodlets. There are three moodlets, which last as long as you are in the room. First, there's the simple Decorated Moodlet, worth about 10 mood points. Then, there's Nicely Decorated worth 25 mood points. And then, you have a very powerful moodlet from a very very nicely decorated home. Beautifully Decorated worth a nice 40 points. A easy way to decorate your home without spending much money, is collecting stuff. Maybe cut some gems, or catch some butterflies then put them in your house for some Environment boosts.
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Mine
The other day, Remeb Paolo decided to explore Sunset Valley on a search for collectibles. I discovered a great place to find gems and metals called The Mine. Remeb found 4 silver, 5 iron, and 1 palladium. I found out thay you should never send the iron away to get smelted, just sell it right away because it costs more to get it smelted then it would sell for after. Here's a picture of The Mine.
You can't really see the metals but you can see some gems glinting in the sunlight.

Friday, July 31, 2009
Remeb Paolo Practicing Guitar
Thursday, July 30, 2009
My New Sim: Remeb Paolo
I have recently made a new Sim named Remeb Paolo. The Remeb part comes from the name Rembrandt, who was a very famous painter. I chose to name him after a famous painter because I decided to make Remeb a stay-at-home painter, along with being a very skilled guitarist. To give Remeb a head start on his artistic skills, I gave him the Artistic trait and the Perfectionnist trait. The Artistic trait would help him gain the Painting skill faster, plus it would help him write and play guitar faster. The Perfectionist will also help Remeb paint higher quality painting, at the cost that they would take longer. But hey, quality not quantity, right? To help with his guitar skills, I gave Remeb the Virtuoso trait, which will help everything that he'll do that has to do with Guitar playing, such as bigger tips, starting with a guitar book, and learning the guitar skill faster than others. I also gave Remeb the Natural Cook trait so he could cook some good ol' homemade meal for himself. Then, I threw in the Lucky trait for, well, good luck! Later I'll post a picture of Remeb playing Guitar or painting, so stay tuned!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Pyromaniac Trait
There is a hidden trait in Sims 3, that you can only get if you marry a firefighter and have a baby with them. This trait is called Pyromaniac. Whoever has this trait will occasionally set things on fire, ruining them, but giving the Pyromaniac a mood boost. Pyromaniacs can also turn normal fruit into Flame Fruit, which they get more mood boosts from eating.
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