Ok, so first I'm going to list all of the cheats I know. Now, some don't work but I know some of the one's that don't work so I'll mark them with a * but I don't know all of them. The only way to find out is to try them! To enter a cheat hold down Ctrl, Shift, and C then type in the code in the blue box at the top of the screen. Press enter to use the code typed in.
kaching: Adds 1,000 simoleons to your account.
motherlode: Adds 50,000 simoleons to your account.
shazaam*: Gives the selected Sim 2,500 Happiness points.
freeRealEstate: You don't have to pay for the house lot in the selected game.
jokePlease: A random joke will appear on the screen.
enableLlamas: A message will appear that says Llamas enabled.
TestingCheatsEnabled: Will allow you to use certain cheats.
help: Displays most of the cheats you can use at the moment.
ModifyTraits*: Let's you change the traits of the selected Sim.
SetAge*: Allows you to select how old the selected Sims is.
Well, Thats all the cheats for now. I might add some more soon, so keep checking in.