Monday, July 20, 2009

Benefits of Being Brave

The Brave Trait may not seem very helpful at first, but it can actually make your Sims much more wealthy. If a thief comes to your house and takes something while you're there, your Sim might be able to stop them, depending on how high your Athletic Skill is, since your Sim fights them. This can come in handy since you might not be able to afford the Thief Alarm or maybe the Robber will be the Police at a fight. This can happen, I would know because a thief stole my bookshelf and the Police failed to capture the robber.
Also, your Brave Sim won't run away from Ghosts. On the contrary, they will actually be happy to see a ghost, improving their mood. You can also Search the Catacombs without worrying about getting the Horrified Moodlet. When you search the Catacombs, you might find some very valuable stuff such as meteors, gems, and metals. You might also find a Magic Mr. Gnome. Wait, what are Magic Mr. Gnomes? Stick around and I'll tell you in a later post.

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