Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Mysterious Mr. Gnomes

Along with the other Collectibles in Sunset Valley, there is a very rare and special one-Mysterious Mr. Gnomes! These little guys look identical to the lawn gnomes you can buy, but they have a small star on their forehead. When you put one on your lot you get a environmental boost but Mysterious Mr. Gnomes aren't all good. At night, the Gnomes will come alive and move around, sometimes just to reposition themselves, but sometimes they'll turn on the T.V or the radio, ruining your Sims good nights sleep. I only know of two ways of how to catch a Mysterious Mr. Gnome, but there might be more ways out there. First, if you search the Catacombs, you might come up with a Mysterious Mr. Gnome. And second, if you fish up a Box (more on Boxes later), there is a small chance it will contain a Gnome!

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